Different ways of reading


All books, e-books and e-audio books are free to borrow, and if you are registered blind or visually impaired you can apply for an Access library card, which allows you to borrow audio books and DVDs free of charge. Ask at your local library for details.


Everyone reads differently, whether you have a visual impairment, dyslexia, difficulty accessing print or just prefer an alternative format. Essex Libraries offers a range of formats for both adults and children, to help you find your different way of reading.

  • E-library - includes the ability to enlarge text, change font style, change background colours, use 'read aloud' functions, and adjust playback speed. Find out more about accessibility options on each supplier's websites here: BorrowBox, PressReader, Libby.
  • Audio books
  • Graphic novels
  • Large print
  • Children and young adults – including details of extra-large print books
  • Quick Reads – choose from our selection of short, simpler reads for adults written by best-selling authors. Ideal if you have limited time to read or are returning to reading. Or search the library catalogue using the term Quick Reads.
  • Fresh Start – a selection of titles specially written for adults keen to improve their reading skills. 
  • RNIB free talking book service – The RNIB offer a free talking book service to people of all ages who have an impairment that prevents, or limits them from reading standard print. This service offers access to over 37,000 fiction and non fiction books for adults and children in accessible formats that suits you. If you are a UK resident and have an impairment that prevents or limits you from reading standard print you are eligible to join this service.
  • Calibre Audio - a free service for anyone with a print disability, including visual impairment. Calibre Audio provides a fantastic collection of over 15,000 audiobooks. You can choose to have them streamed direct to you, downloaded to a mobile device, or posted on memory sticks or CDs.
  • ClearVision - a postal lending library of children’s books designed to be shared by visually impaired and sighted children and adults. Free for families to join.




Dyslexia can affect the ability to read and spell, but it is not the same for everyone. It may make it harder to remember lists, spoken instructions or to find items that are organised alphabetically. Essex Libraries can help with the following resources.

  • Dyslexia book list – A selection of books that support parents and carers
  • Barrington Stoke – A specialist publisher of dyslexia friendly books 
  • Access card- Adults and children who have significant difficulties accessing print can ask for an Access Card giving free access to all audio and DVD items.

Other resources for Dyslexia