Reserve, renew or return a library item


You can:


  • reserve a library item

  • renew a library item online, or at the library

  • return a library item


Reserve a library item


To reserve a book, audio book, CD or DVD for free, search our catalogue for the item. To do this, press the magnifying glass at the top of the page, type in what you're looking for and press enter. (On a mobile device, select the three lines at the top of the screen to reveal the catalogue search box.)


Once you’ve found it, click the:

  • ‘place hold’ button next to the item if you’re using a desktop computer

  • 3 dots next to the item if you’re using a mobile or tablet

You will be asked which library you want to collect the item from.


We’ll telephone, email or send you a text message when the item is ready. 


You can cancel the reservation at any time from your online account.


If the item you want to reserve is not available, you can fill in a library request form to:

  • find a book that is not available from any libraries in the Libraries Consortium, which we may be able to purchase


Renew a library item


To renew a library item, log in to your account.


You can renew an item up to 10 times online, so long as nobody else has asked to borrow it.


When you return the item to your local library, you may be able to borrow it again if it has not been reserved.


To see what date the item is due back at the library, log in to your account.


We will call, email or send you a text message a few days before your item is due.


Read detailed guidance and watch a video.


You can also renew your items at one of the self-service machines at the library. Ask staff if you would like help in doing this.


You will need to pay a hire charge if you want to renew a CD or DVD.


Return an item


As we are a member of the Libraries Consortium, items borrowed from libraries in Essex or Thurrock can be returned to any library in the consortium.


You can also return items borrowed from any library in the Libraries Consortium to any library in Essex or Thurrock.


To see when an item should be returned, log on to your account.


If you do not return an item in time, you may need to pay an overdue charge.


We will contact you by email, text message or telephone to tell you when a library item is due to be returned.