Essex Library Service has achieved Working to become Dementia Friendly recognition. Alzheimer’s Society looked at the work we’ve done so far, such as training staff and volunteers to become Dementia Friends, setting up dementia groups and making links in our communities. They have also reviewed our plan of how to become more dementia friendly in the future by reviewing our buildings, signage, processes etc. 


Dementia groups

There are several groups meeting in our libraries for those affected by dementia and carers.

Harwich Library Memory Café

Manningtree Library Memory Café

Rayleigh Library Memory Café

West Clacton Library Memory Café

Alzheimer’s Maldon Café

Community tea groups also run at lots of our libraries. Details of these are on our events page and all are welcome at these groups.


Library Membership - Memory Card

You can get a special type of library card if you are living with dementia. The Memory Library Card incurs no fees or charges, so if customers forget to return library items on time, they won’t be charged. Please ask at your library about a memory card.


Home Library Service

If you can’t get to the library owing to age, disability or caring responsibilities, you can still use Essex Library Services by joining up to our Home Library Service. Home Library Service volunteers act as a link to the library, bringing books and any other library items you’d like.

Or you can get a Friends and Family library card. With this, a friend, neighbour or relative (with your agreement) can select and collect library items for you.

To join the Home Library Service or sign-up for a Friends and Family card you can:

  • call 0345 603 7628
  • use our feedback form
  • ask a friend, relative or care home staff to contact us on your behalf



We have books for those affected by dementia and their carers. Search our catalogue for titles such as What I wish people knew about dementia, by Wendy Mitchell. 

There is also the Reading Well collection for those affected by dementia.


Support for people affected by dementia

Alzheimer’s Society provides a dementia support phone line open 7 days a week. Dementia advisers will give support and advice, and signpost to help. The number is 03331503456. More information about Alzheimer's Society is available on their website.