Colchester Library temporary closing extended

By: Essex Library Service

Mon 3/Mar/25

Following the discovery of previously undetected defects in the building, Colchester Library’s reopening has been put back until autumn 2025.


The hidden problems came to light when the library’s ceilings were removed in the course of the current refurbishment work. It’s now apparent that the roof needs to be replaced completely, and more effective fire resistance measures introduced to conform to the latest standards. The extension of time will allow those things to happen.


The alternative arrangements detailed below will continue until the library reopens.


Look out for updates.


Artists' impressions of the new library:



Photos illustrating progress of the works:




Alternative arrangements during closure


To help our customers through the closure period we have made some changes to our normal provision.


Greenstead, Prettygate and Wivenhoe Libraries have extended opening hours:




Monday - 9am to 5:30pm

Monday - 9am to 5:30pm

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - 9am to 5:30pm

Tuesday - 9am to 7pm

Tuesday - 9am to 7pm

Wednesday - 9am to 5.30pm  

Wednesday - 9am to 7pm

Wednesday - Closed

Thursday - 9am to 5:30pm

Thursday - 9am to 5:30pm  

Thursday - 9am to 5:30pm

Friday - 9am to 5:30pm

Friday - 9am to 5:30pm

Friday - Closed

Saturday - 9am to 5pm

Saturday - 9am to 5pm

Saturday - 9am to 5pm

Sunday - Closed

Sunday - 1pm to 4pm

Sunday - Closed


In addition, a mobile library with step-free access (County Mobile 3) is in the High Street on Tuesdays from 10am to 2pm, and on Fridays from 8.30am to 4pm.


Public engagement event

There will be a public drop-in event at Firstsite, Lewis Gardens, High Street, Colchester CO1 1JH, on Wednesday 26 March, 10am-noon. At this event, you'll be able to find out about the new library facilities, ask questions, and view a display with images of the new design and layout. There's no need to book in advance.


Frequently asked questions

Why and when

Why is this work being done?

The library service plan Everyone’s Library Service 2022-2026 commits us to develop a planned programme of building improvements, considering upgrade and cosmetic improvements, how spaces are currently used, opportunities to use them differently and the potential to generate additional income from our estate. As one of our flagship libraries, Colchester Library needed improvement to meet the standards our customers have a right to expect.


In February 2023, ECC were awarded £337,500 by the Arts Council. The total project bid was £450,000 with £112,500 of ECC match funding from reserves forming part of the bid. The proposal was for a Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre, a highly interactive learning and play space for children and families, sited on the ground floor (455 sqm) of Colchester library. This will form a centrepiece of the refurbished library.


We have a perfectly good library already. Why change it?

We want to develop the existing library so that it is fit for the future. Public space inside the library will benefit from redecoration and new furniture, energy-saving lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. The Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre will attract new visitors into the library, extend and enhance existing provision and encourage working with a variety of partners. There will also be more commodious offices for the Registration Service, resulting in an improved service to customers.


Why are you closing for such a long time? Why can’t it be organised so that bits of the library are closed off and public access to some facilities remains possible?

A decision to close the library for an extended period was made after it was established that the Capital Maintenance Team at ECC were considering de-carbonising Colchester Library next year. To improve efficiency, reduce costs and prevent having to close the library for ground floor refit in 2024 and then again for capital maintenance in works in 2025, the decision was made to carry out all major works and extend the closure period. The works were agreed after securing funding from PSDS3-C (Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme) Grant. Colchester Library will benefit from replacing the existing boilers with a more efficient system, along with introducing BMS for overall efficiency. All low temperature hot water (LTHW) pipework and air handling units will be replaced due to being end of life as well as introducing a form of heat recovery. This, coupled with the more efficient gas boilers and LED lighting and alterations made to the small power, will effectively lower the building's carbon footprint. 

The complexity of the works required, and the danger to customers, staff and volunteers, have obliged us to close completely for this period of time.


Why were the problems that led to the library being closed for a longer period not detected earlier?

Both issues – the need for the roof to be replaced, and the need for more effective fire resistance measures – only became apparent when the ceiling was removed. If we had carried out a comprehensive and safe survey that included removal of the ceiling it would have meant a separate, substantial period of closure to the public. The works would still have had to be carried out. We are conscious of the need to minimise the closure period, and will do everything consistent with safety and high standards to enable the library to reopen as soon as possible.


Why are you going to be closed for all this time just to install children's activities?

The Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre forms only one strand of the new-look library. While we’re closed, we’ll also be giving a new look to the upper floor; this will involve redecoration and new furniture, energy-saving lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. There will also be more commodious offices for the Registration Service, resulting in an improved service to customers.



Alternative provision during closure

Will there be alternative provision while the library is shut?

Yes, other libraries in the area – Greenstead, Prettygate and Wivenhoe - will open for longer hours, from 23 September 2024. There will be Sunday opening at Prettygate.


In addition, a wheelchair accessible mobile library (County Mobile 3) will be in the High Street on Tuesdays from 10am to 2pm, and on Fridays from 8.30am to 4pm, during the closure period.


Why can't the mobile library be available in the evening?

Owing to previous incidents of anti-social behaviour and vandalism at the library, it is not appropriate to have the mobile library open during evenings.


Why is there no temporary 'pop-up' site in the city centre?

As staff are working at other library sites in the area, they are not available to run a ‘pop-up’ site in the city centre.

While we understand the closure will be disruptive for some users, it allows the library to undergo an extensive refurbishment with works taking place all at once, which is more efficient and cost-effective. The result will be an amazing space for current and new library users to visit and enjoy.


Will Baby & Toddler Rhymetimes be continuing?

Our regular Rhymetimes will continue at Firstsite, every Wednesday from 11 September 2024 until 16 July 2025, and from 3 September 2025, at 10.15am and 11.15am. They will be run by our usual library volunteers and will be the same format as library-run ones.


How will I access the local studies section and its stock during closure?

The local studies materials and equipment will be stored and unavailable while Colchester Library is closed. We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause.

These resources will all be available once again when we reopen.


Will there be additional computers to use at Greenstead, Prettygate and Wivenhoe, to accommodate likely additional demand?

Three additional computers will be available for use at Greenstead and at Prettygate, and one additional computer at Wivenhoe.


Will we be able to print documents?

Printing and photocopying services are available at Greenstead, Prettygate and Wivenhoe.


I rely on the accessible Changing Places toilet. Will there be alternative provision?

There is an accessible toilet in Castle Park (rear of Hollytrees Museum), which opens seven days a week from 7.30am to 8pm.


How are you communicating these changes to customers and the wider community?

Posters are on prominent display in the library and elsewhere in the community. These clearly state what alternative arrangements are in place to serve our Colchester customers. Regular updates on social media and on this page will provide reminders of alternative provision during closure, show the progress of the refurbishment and home in on details of what customers can expect from the reopened library.


The refurbished library

When will the refurbished library open?

It is anticipated that the library will re-open from summer 2025.


Will there be the same amount of stock in the reopened library?

We intend to have the same number of books and will continue to monitor and adjust our stock as our active users grow.


Will there be any change to the opening hours?

There are no current plans to change opening hours; however, library opening hours are reviewed at regular intervals, so Colchester Library opening hours would be part of any future review to ensure the needs of the community are being met.


What will the changes be in the refurbishment?

The centrepiece will be a new Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre on the ground floor. This will be a highly interactive play space, with exciting equipment and fun materials for learning. Refreshment vending machines will also be provided.


Public space inside the library will benefit from an enhanced new look including redecoration and new furniture, energy-saving lighting, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. There will also be more commodious offices for the Registration Service, resulting in an improved service to customers.


Will there be a change to the number of staff?

There are no plans to make any changes to staffing.


Will you be keeping the local studies area?

We don’t intend to change the function or layout of the local studies area.


Children’s Imagination and Literacy Centre

At what age group is the project aimed?

The project is primarily aimed at children, young people and families.


Will it be staffed by professionally trained staff?

Library staff, who have had customer service training, including working with children and young adults, will monitor the Imagination Centre alongside the children’s library area.


Will it mean taking on additional staff?

We do not currently anticipate having to increase staffing levels; however, this will be monitored and reviewed once the centre is open full-time.


Will the opening hours be the same as the library?

It will be available for use when the library is open. Out-of-hours use may be considered if there is a demand.


Will it influence the total number of print books on display on the shelves?



How will literacy be incorporated?

The Colchester Imagination & Literacy Centre (CILC) will house fun materials for learning. Literacy is incorporated into everything we do and that will not change as a result of the work at Colchester.


Will any external operational partnership be incorporated into the project in any way and if so which ones?

No current plans, but partnership working is an important part of the library service.


Will it have any impact on existing staff and other library usage?

No, we hope the new library will only increase library usage as has happened at Harlow.


We note that there are plans to remove the existing escalator so would like to know where exactly will it be sited in future?

The escalator has not been operational for a number of years. The project includes the complete removal of the escalator and access to the first floor will be via the lift or stairs.


Are there any plans to charge to use this new facility? 

Access to the children’s library area, stock, and resources will not incur a charge, as now; however, there may be elements of the new service offer, like the imagination centre, that may have charges associated. Any income raised will be invested back into the library service.


What factors were involved in the decision to create this facility?  Were groups such as schools, library users and literacy specialists consulted?

Our library plan, 'Everyone's Library Service 2022-2026', includes the key aims of supporting school readiness, running new activity programmes, and connecting communities to new services, which the CILC will fulfil. The consultation preceding the plan showed these aims commanded a high level of public support. To date, partners we have recently worked with in introducing new initiatives include Adult Community Learning; Active Essex; Explore Learning, and the Physical and Sensory Impairment Specialist Teaching Service, collaborating in delivering a playgroup for deaf children.


Were alternative projects considered and if so, which ones?

We are continually reviewing our provision with a view to improving buildings and introducing new and exciting activities, as we have committed to do in the Plan, and seeking suitable sources of funding. However, we submitted this bid to Arts Council England specifically with the CILC in mind.


What are the desired outcomes envisaged and has an impact assessment been carried out?

The outcomes we aim to achieve are

  • To enable us to develop more flexible, more commercial spaces
  • To achieve better connections between Colchester Library and its community, and a range of partners within the area
  • To increase potential for transformation
  • To increase library use and sustainability


When will be it be operational?

Estimated to be summer 2025.


How will the library be affected during the installation?

The library will see a full closure during the works, however, other libraries in the area will be opened for longer.


With the removal of the escalator are there any plans to replace it in some form, or will the lift become the only means of accessing the upper floor for those unable to manage the stairs?

There are no plans to replace the escalator, access to the first floor will be by lift and stairs.