Key principles of stock management
Essex Libraries will manage their stock based on the following key principles:
The Service will provide a range and depth of stock that reflects the rich and complex diversity of needs within the county.
Essex Libraries stock will be regarded as a single collection.
Essex Libraries will provide the best value from their stock resources by using information from performance indicators, in-house management information, the performance management system Collection HQ, knowledge of trade developments and the needs of our customers.
Essex Libraries will provide information and reference services to support the democratic, social, educational, economic and leisure needs of the whole community using the most cost-effective sources.
Essex Libraries will supply stock to meet the needs of children, young people and those with additional support needs and will encourage their use of the library service.
Essex Libraries will continually maintain and develop stock by identifying and improving areas of under-provision, anticipating new areas of need, and responding to changing cultural requirements.
Essex Libraries will seek and utilise feedback from the community.
Essex Libraries will promote stock by targeted selection and display to raise awareness and maximise use.
To achieve the above key principles, the stock management policy will promote a unified approach to selection, management and development of stock, and the guiding principles for staff.