Chelmsford Library 

County Hall
Market Road

Telephone: 0345 603 7628


About the library 


ID badge lanyard

There are people who work at the library who I can talk to. They wear a lanyard like this one.



literacy area

The library is usually a quiet place where people talk quietly, relax and read books.


people working at computers

Sometimes it might be noisy. If it is noisy I can talk to a librarian.


Signing up to the library 


Hello Desk

When I get to the library I will see a desk.



paper application form

Someone at the Hello desk will help you sign up.

They will take your details such as your name, date of birth, phone number and email.



You will also need to show some form of identifcation such as ID or passport. 


Library card

You will then receive a library card.

Visiting the library 


library book shelves and seating area

In the library there will be shelves of books, CDs and DVDs.

I can borrow a book, CD or DVD and take it home with me.


boy sitting in a chair, reading a book

You can use the chairs provided to sit and read a book.


library staff ID lanyard

If you want to borrow a book, you can speak to a member of the library staff. They will be wearing lanyards like these.


RFID self-service machine

The staff will show you how to borrow the book, CD or DVD and tell you when you need to bring it back to the library.


library computer

The library will also have some computers. The computers are free to use.

To use the computers I will need to reserve a time/wait for one to be available/talk to a member of staff.


Sensory Area

The library also has a sensory area that you can use.


library exit doors

When you have finished, you can leave the library through the exit.