Get ready to start school!

Wed 4/Sep/24

Get ready to start school for the first time!

Is your little one starting school in September? Let Essex Libraries help you to get school ready!

We’re running two promotions to support you and your child.




Did you take part this year? Tell us what you thought of the Ready Steady Go To School Challenge!




Big School Meet Ups


Between now and September, every library will be running a Big School Meet Up session.


These are fun, relaxed sessions with a storytime, activities and a chance to meet other families whose children are also starting your school in September!


Find out when your local session is taking place on our events page.




Ready… Steady… Go To School Challenge


The Ready… Steady… Got to School Challenge runs from Saturday 18 May to Saturday 7 September and is open to all children who will be starting school for the first time in September.


This fun challenge is to help children practice skills they will need to help them feel confident and ready to start school.


When you sign up, your little one will receive their collector folder and an activity pack. Each section of the pack contains a range of challenges for you to do together. There are seven sections, and you only have to do one challenge from each sheet – but feel free to do more if you’d like!


After you’ve completed a challenge, head back to the library and get their folder stamped. When they’ve completed 7 challenges (one from each section) they will get a certificate!


Also in the pack are some hints and tips for parents and carers, as well as links to where you can find more help and support.


So, get your child, Ready… Steady… and off to school!